NFT Alliance Member
The ArbiDudes playing around
Arbidude 1Arbidude 2Arbidude 3


Arbidude 9998Arbidude 9999Arbidude 10000

NFT collection of 10,000 Arbidudes

An OG Arbitrum project

The early bird catches the worm. Be one of the first to join our community and access Giveaways, News, and more.

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Secondary markets TofuNFTAvailable on OpenSeaTrove marketplace

A cute pirate Arbidude
A cute pilot Arbidude
A cute frog Arbidude
A cute vampire-dog Arbidude
A cute laser-ninja Arbidude
A cute alien-dia-de-los-muertos Arbidude
A cute Arbidude
A cute T-Rex Arbidude
A cute chicken Arbidude
A cute hero Arbidude
A cute Super Arbidude
A cute ninja chicken Arbidude

The ArbiDudes family


ArbiDudes on CastleDAO

Play with your ArbiDudes in CastleDAO

You can use your ArbiDudes as playable characters on CastleDAO.
Build your deck and defeat them all.

How can I build my deck?

It's very easy, visit the Decks section on CastleDao, select Arbidudes on the filter and pic the ones you want to play with.

How can I play the game?

Once you have your Deck go to the battlefield by clicking on the Modern QuickMatch section.

What can I earn?

Each month and week CastleDAO gives away rewards to the best players. Those rewards are in the form of NFTs that can be traded or sold in secondary markets.

Show them how strong your ArbiDudes are.


How can I Mint?

When the Dude in auction reaches the amount of ETH you are willing to send click the big green button.

How can I move ETH to Arbitrum?

You can go to the arbitrum bridge and bridge ETH to the Arbitrum network. Then you have to switch your network to Arbitrum, you can do it in Chainlist

How can I claim my FREE ArbiDude?

You'll see a blue "Mint Free" button on the minting page. This button will appear if you have never claimed your free ArbiDude before and if we are below the token 500.

Can I buy ArbiDudes in the secondary market?

Yes, you can buy them on OpenSea, Trove, TofuNFT or Stratos Sometimes you can find rare ArbiDudes at a very good price. You can check the rarity on our Discord


If you have any other problem or question, please, refer to our Discord


astronaut ArbidudeThe Arbidudes came to our Metaverse through an interdimensional breach between both meta worlds.

They don't have the technology for interdimensional travel, so we can only speculate that the breach happened due to natural reasons, or at least that's what we believe.
Internet guide ArbidudeThey are tiny creatures compared with humans, around 8 inches or 20cm in height, but in possession of unique skills like shapechanging, excellent visual memory, and, as we discovered since they're here, a devotion for TV shows, internet memes, and movies.
Arbidude with a hoodieIn their Metaverse, their life expectancy is usually 2 million years and 42 days. Still, in our world, they require a life partner to survive.
A T-Rex ArbidudeAn ArbiDude is always born with a soulmate. And a soulmate is another ArbiDude in a different time and space. Your ArbiDude can be already minted but not its soulmate; you'll need to wait for it to materialize in our metaverse.
A Skull Pirate ArbidudeBut beware, the fight for the TV remote will be intense, although it'll be an adorable fight indeed.

About me

Hey there, my name is Hector, but on social media I'm Hectorium.


I'm a software engineer with plenty of experience in web and mobile development and am now diving deep into the smart-contract development waters. So you can expect the project to grow in that direction.


Drawing is another of my passions, specially pixel-art style; I find it challenging as you have to express emotions and movement with such a limited resolution and color palette. But that's the fun part of it.


I love classic rock music because I used to listen to those albums with my father when I was a child. If you wonder, my profile pic is John Bonham, the drummer of Led Zeppelin.

I hope you follow the Arbidudes in this adventure; we're glad you join us.